Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year, New Plans

2015 was the worst year of my life. I have accepted it, learned from it and am ready to move on from it. HOWEVER, I know in my heart that 2016 is going to be simply amazing for me and my family and I am more than ready to get it going and cotninue my eternal FAITH that GOOD things are coming!

First things first, clean-up! I am going room by room and cleaning out everything that is not necessary. My closet- things that aren't maternity wear just really have no place now. Being that this is my 4th pregnancy and I hadn't lost the weight from Johsua yet, I am already looking very pregnant and, honestly, I am nearly 5 months along and I will only get bigger, so anything 'pre-prego'  is OUT.

Also, I need to clean-up the clutter. Just toss it, store it or sell/donate it. No need for a bunch of stuff that really has no place in my room.

Once I am done there, I will move on to the Office, which will become the nursery. This is a battle zone at the moment. We have 'lovingly' dubbed this room the dumping ground. Our house is small and with a tornado of a toddler and 3 adults living here, there is just a lot of 'stuff''. So, same rules apply. Toss it, store it or donate/sell it. This room will probably take several weeks to complete because of all the stuff and our office set-up doesn't have another home yet.

After our general clean-up ventures, we will move on to remodeling of the kitchen! I will update that task as we get closer and more involved.

Along with all the changes my life has gone through over the past nearly year, one thing I promised myself was to work on ME. That means- pampering on occasion to promote my sanity- because you cannot be a good mom, wife, family member or friend if you don't have sanity in your world. A little "check out" time for the mom does a WORLD of good for everyone around her. Jason has been amazing at supporting me in this (and honestly, he pushed me hard before to do this anyway). I have a nail day once per month where I get my nails done and have a nice long pedicure. I really enjoy these days.

Also, one of the ways I am pampering myself now, is reading and writing. I LOVE to write. I am trying to accomplish my goal of at least one blog post per week. I want one snapshot per week of what is going on with us, so that at the end of 2016- I can look back and remind myself how far I have come.  Reading, is another way to pamper myself. I am going to aim to read one book per month because I really only have time at night to read and I am tired, so I can't really expect to be a book nerd. But, I have a shelf full of books calling my name and several loaded to my Kindle that I would love to finish! So, reading is on the agenda!

I have a few other 'resolutions' or projects this year:

* I started a savings jar for each week. You can find them online. Basically, week one, you save $1.00, week two, you save $2.00 and so on, and so on. Basically, by week 52, you are putting away $52.00 and that adds up to over $1,300.00 by the year's end.

* I started this awesome "show me the good" deal. I have a Mason jar that I am going to fill with pieces of paper describing the "good moments" through out our year. So, on December 31, 2016, we can open the jar and reflect. We already have one moment to put in there from January 1- WINNING!

I truly believe positivity breeds positivity. I have been through hell and survived, so NOTHING will stop be me from being positive and having faith!

Cheers- XOXO ~M~

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